Green: Grants & Residencies; Darker blue: Karapetian's writing; Yellow: Exhibitions; Lavender: Talks; Lighter blue: Writing about Karapetian
Online exhibition with the Los Angeles based Ladies Room. 15% of all sales will be donated to benefit 3 urban garden and food organizations for the hungry in Los Angeles: LA Food Policy Council, Ron Finley Project, and Summaeverythang Community Center.
Fulbright Award
March-August 2018
New York Magazine editor's pick, "The Couch Gallery Crawl"
Performa's Radical Broadcast: Time Share is an editor's pick, April 17, 2020
The Body Politic: Meyerhold to My Barbarian
Lecture delivered at "Alternative Realities: Utopian Thought in Times of Political Rupture", A two-day conference in Los Angeles organized by The Max Kade Institute for Austrian-German-Swiss Studies (USC), The Wende Museum, and the Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF), Potsdam.
Photography as an Art: Current trends in the study and history of national schools
Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia
Farrah Karapetian: presenting, "Decolonizing Photography: How leading institutions in the United States are unraveling 20th century histories and reimagining a photographic future"
May 27-29, 2019
Pollock Krasner Award
"USD Faculty Race to Deliver Medical Equipment to Communities"
Karapetian making emergency ventilators with SDCAP